Sally Cluchey
State Representative for House District 52
Bowdoin, Bowdoinham, Richmond

About Sally


My name is Sally Cluchey and I am proud to be running for re-election to the Maine State House of Representatives to represent Bowdoin, Bowdoinham, and Richmond.

Since taking office in December 2022, I've served on both the Health Coverage, Insurance, and Financial Services Committee and the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Committee.

My proudest accomplishment from my first session was working across the aisle to expand access to birth control by allowing it to be prescribed by pharmacists.

One of the best parts of this job is hearing from constituents and helping to resolve their issues, or simply listening to their concerns and carrying their experiences with me.

To learn more about my legislative work, visit

Where I Stand

Affordable Housing

Being able to afford housing has become harder than ever. We need elected leaders who understand this reality, and public policies designed to make it easier to access affordable housing.

Healthy Communities

In Maine, one in five children – and one in six seniors – is food insecure. We have the food, but we need smart public policies, strong social infrastructure, and collaborative partnerships to curb this epidemic.

Good Government

My work in organizational development has taught me what helps groups succeed – and what makes them fail. Listening, building trust, and working across the aisle are skills and values I bring to my work in Augusta.

Reproductive Rights

Today, strong support for reproductive freedom at the state level is more critical than ever. I will always be an ardent supporter of women’s right to necessary healthcare.

In Support of Sally

“Rep. Cluchey’s service on the Inland Fisheries & Wildlife committee has been so helpful. She comes to committee meetings with an open mind, and was instrumental in passing a law strengthening Maine’s support for endangered species. Given the rapidly changing climate, we’re fortunate to have Sally’s thoughtful, rational voice speaking on our behalf in Augusta.”

Barbara Vickery, Richmond

“Sally's leadership of the Bowdoinham Food Pantry demonstrates that she not only talks the talk, she walks the walk. She also does a great job communicating with constituents through her newsletters and on social media. On top of that, that gal is brave as hell. There’s no one else I’d rather have representing me in Augusta.”

Bill Hamilton, Bowdoin
